SWE | Southwest Electronic Energy Group RSS Feed/rssAll syndicated rss feeds on SWE | Southwest Electronic Energy GroupenThu, 29 Aug 2024 07:30:00 -0500Business Partnerhttp://www.swe.com/directories/business-partner/<p><span>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque vel congue quam. Vivamus mattis metus a nunc convallis luctus. Donec hendrerit, massa in consequat iaculis, nisl massa interdum nunc, nec commodo libero lorem ut magna. Integer eu erat quis urna placerat congue in vitae justo. Fusce congue nibh ultricies nunc eleifend placerat. Nunc nisi lectus, interdum sed tempus nec, eleifend id dolor.</span></p>Mon, 31 Dec 2012 16:49:58 -0600http://www.swe.com/directories/business-partner/Example Corporationhttp://www.swe.com/directories/example-corporation/<p>Etiam suscipit, tortor eget accumsan vehicula, nisl nisl tincidunt lacus, vel euismod neque lectus at nunc. Proin sit amet mi purus. Nunc tincidunt turpis vel metus ultricies pharetra. Vivamus vel metus at lacus ultricies malesuada. Fusce convallis posuere interdum. Aliquam risus lorem, luctus a iaculis at, pretium eget enim. Nunc ullamcorper risus nibh, sit amet facilisis sapien. Nulla porttitor velit eu felis suscipit id ultricies nunc cursus. Etiam erat lacus, tristique vel auctor quis, fringilla vel sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempus odio eget justo tempor a congue purus ullamcorper. Praesent venenatis est ac nisl aliquet a dapibus elit congue. In eros metus, congue at eleifend non, laoreet tincidunt lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc non sapien turpis.</p> <p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque vel congue quam. Vivamus mattis metus a nunc convallis luctus. Donec hendrerit, massa in consequat iaculis, nisl massa interdum nunc, nec commodo libero lorem ut magna. Integer eu erat quis urna placerat congue in vitae justo. Fusce congue nibh ultricies nunc eleifend placerat. Nunc nisi lectus, interdum sed tempus nec, eleifend id dolor.</p>Mon, 31 Dec 2012 16:44:13 -0600http://www.swe.com/directories/example-corporation/Business Directoryhttp://www.swe.com/directories/business-directory/<p><span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris aliquam metus nibh. Ut lacinia, ante vitae rutrum pellentesque, lectus mauris congue tortor, in vehicula tellus lectus id quam. Etiam facilisis, quam vitae malesuada aliquet, ante est vulputate justo, nec volutpat dolor urna a lorem. Fusce euismod tellus quis lorem facilisis dapibus. Donec ac lectus nec dolor sodales ullamcorper a volutpat dolor. Quisque facilisis convallis ipsum, sed aliquam risus egestas quis. Aenean at mattis ante. Duis neque ligula, dignissim ut malesuada a, dictum sed lorem. Sed scelerisque metus tortor. Vestibulum auctor risus a lacus scelerisque eu dignissim lacus fermentum. Etiam a odio sit amet lorem lacinia commodo vitae nec mauris. Ut congue laoreet purus, a lacinia leo gravida at. Aliquam non hendrerit lorem. Aliquam varius odio eu lectus consequat et tincidunt nunc volutpat.</span></p>Mon, 31 Dec 2012 16:42:43 -0600http://www.swe.com/directories/business-directory/Pipeline Pigging & Integrity Management Conference 2015http://www.swe.com/events/9/<p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><a href="http://www.clarion.org/ppim/ppim15/award.php" target="_blank">Pipeline Pigging &amp; Integrity Management Conference 2015</a></strong></p> <p><span class="hotel" style="line-height: 24px;">Marriott Westchase Hotel</span></p> <p>February 9-12, 2015</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:27:47 -0500http://www.swe.com/events/9/Underwater Intervention 2015http://www.swe.com/events/8/<p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><a href="http://underwaterintervention.com/" target="_blank">Underwater Intervention 2015</a></strong></p> <p>February 10-12</p> <p>Morial Convention Center</p> <p>New Orleans, LA</p>Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:25:00 -0500http://www.swe.com/events/8/MTS Society BBQhttp://www.swe.com/events/7/<p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><a href="http://www.mtshouston.org" target="_blank">MTS Society BBQ</a></strong></p> <p>Table #54</p> <p>Great Barbeque, Networking, Over 100 Exhibit Tables and a one of a kind Silent Auction.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Delta SubSea Tooling Facility</p> <p>1616 Southcreek Lane Houston, TX 77073</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:13:10 -0500http://www.swe.com/events/7/Networking Happy Hourhttp://www.swe.com/events/6/<p>Join us for our Quarterly Networking Happy Hour for networking and to catch up on the latest news from our Association. Registration is free, but please RSVP.</p> <h2>More Details</h2> <div id="lipsum"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce porttitor, orci nec pretium faucibus, erat lacus eleifend nisl, sed iaculis arcu tortor ut ipsum. Fusce id diam sed orci imperdiet consequat. Cras imperdiet euismod magna, ac pellentesque nulla imperdiet at. Proin nisl turpis, varius et cursus ut, volutpat aliquet velit. Donec eget mi sem. Aliquam a risus elit, in sodales purus. Suspendisse magna felis, laoreet quis commodo quis, scelerisque nec lacus. Cras quis est est, et mollis metus. Nam odio ipsum, consequat quis imperdiet ut, hendrerit eu nunc. Duis quis justo ac ante bibendum consectetur ut ac arcu. Vivamus ut auctor lorem. Mauris sed quam sit amet erat fermentum semper. Phasellus tristique laoreet lectus fringilla suscipit.</p> <p>Donec non sodales odio. Nam dui nisi, eleifend sollicitudin porttitor sed, dignissim a metus. Aenean porta condimentum euismod. Ut faucibus tempus lectus, laoreet ultrices sem ultricies non. Quisque elit lectus, vulputate nec cursus at, iaculis nec nunc. Curabitur vestibulum pretium elit, ut vehicula erat hendrerit mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus a enim massa. Sed quis tortor ipsum, sit amet tempor justo. Ut quis risus neque. Quisque luctus diam sed diam dapibus pulvinar at quis odio.</p> </div>Mon, 31 Dec 2012 12:50:29 -0600http://www.swe.com/events/6/Community Workshophttp://www.swe.com/events/4/<p>Join us for our Community Workshop!</p> <h2>Details</h2> <p><span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque malesuada pretium hendrerit. Sed dui eros, semper a euismod non, cursus viverra mauris. Ut ut malesuada lacus. Donec pharetra augue eget nulla tempus at cursus purus sollicitudin. Duis suscipit ultrices urna, in volutpat purus malesuada a. Etiam id lacus lorem. Praesent dui nibh, pellentesque id ornare id, molestie commodo sapien. Quisque sodales justo sit amet lacus fringilla vitae tincidunt eros volutpat. Cras a viverra tortor. Duis risus enim, placerat id commodo in, luctus id mauris. Maecenas velit leo, volutpat quis volutpat ut, vulputate vitae ligula. Nullam in nisl vel urna dignissim auctor.</span></p> <h2>Agenda</h2> <p><span>Mauris bibendum neque eu lacus ultrices accumsan. Duis et libero leo, sed ornare augue. Ut nec adipiscing dolor. Fusce faucibus, orci eu vehicula posuere, elit orci placerat lorem, suscipit rhoncus urna ante ac arcu. Sed ut quam vel dui gravida aliquam et sit amet tellus. Proin arcu leo, lacinia sit amet tincidunt vel, molestie et leo. Etiam nec eros sed turpis tempus tincidunt at molestie elit. Integer nunc felis, imperdiet pellentesque luctus vel, accumsan non nisi.</span></p>Sun, 30 Dec 2012 09:26:57 -0600http://www.swe.com/events/4/Quarterly Luncheonhttp://www.swe.com/events/3/<p>Use the events calendar to create calendar events that people can register for. Include details like location, sponsor, speaker, etc. and allow people to register online. You also have the ability to set up different pricing for Members, Nonmembers, Students, Board Members, etc.</p>Thu, 27 Dec 2012 08:45:41 -0600http://www.swe.com/events/3/Staff Holidayhttp://www.swe.com/events/2/<p><strong>Our office will be closed for the Christmas Holiday all week. Please email us or fill out our online <a href="/contact">contact form</a> to reach us during this time.</strong></p> <p>Duis non varius neque. Phasellus quis tortor non lacus egestas lobortis. Suspendisse leo magna, rhoncus eget luctus nec, mattis nec justo. Vivamus sapien magna, ullamcorper et imperdiet vel, ultrices in velit. Pellentesque ipsum risus, malesuada nec commodo suscipit, eleifend nec mi. In sit amet nibh ac dui consectetur aliquet. Pellentesque faucibus, massa a faucibus tristique, diam justo varius nibh, at pretium massa sapien non arcu. Quisque nec rutrum lorem. Ut scelerisque, nunc vitae consequat mattis, ligula turpis fringilla nulla, ac luctus orci lacus quis lectus. Praesent volutpat porta sapien vel bibendum. Donec velit tellus, lacinia id lacinia at, congue id libero.</p>Thu, 27 Dec 2012 08:44:57 -0600http://www.swe.com/events/2/Monthly Board Meetinghttp://www.swe.com/events/1/<p>Use an event like this to create a board meeting. Add details here.</p> <h2>Agenda</h2> <ol> <li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</li> <li>Quisque malesuada pretium hendrerit. Sed dui eros, semper a euismod non, cursus viverra mauris.</li> <li>Ut ut malesuada lacus.</li> <li>Donec pharetra augue eget nulla tempus at cursus purus sollicitudin.</li> </ol>Thu, 27 Dec 2012 08:44:40 -0600http://www.swe.com/events/1/Join 85% of top MedTech companies in Irelandhttp://www.swe.com/news/medical-technology-ireland-2024/<p>Leading manufacturer of high-performance medical power solutions, <a href="https://accutronics.co.uk/">Accutronics Ltd</a> (an Ultralife company), will showcase its latest innovations at Medical Technology Ireland. The event, held at Galway Racecourse from September 25-26, 2024, is recognised as one of Europe&rsquo;s largest medical device design and manufacturing shows. Visitors can find Accutronics at stand L15, where the company will display an array of off-the-shelf and custom batteries and chargers that meet the rigorous demands of the medical and healthcare sectors.</p> <p>If you would like to book a 1:1 appointment with us, please <a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/medical-technology-ireland-2024">click here</a>.</p> <p>85% of the top global medical technology companies are based in Ireland, which makes Medical Technology Ireland an ideal opportunity to learn about developments in the industry. Accutronics brings over 20 years of expertise in battery and charger manufacturing and, since 2016, has been part of global Ultralife Corporation. With a focus on innovation and reliability, plus an in-house team of mechanical and electrical engineers, Accutronics is well-equipped to design, build and test bespoke solutions. These battery packs or chargers are designed to meet the specific requirements of any medical device, such as size, weight, and operating temperature.</p> <p align="center"><img src="/files/1146/" width="500" height="318" align="center" /></p> <p>Examples of custom solutions will be on display on stand L15, alongside a wide range of pre-engineered and pre-certified batteries that are ideal for standard power requirements or to reduce time to market. This includes Inspired Energy standard Lithium-ion battery packs that are available in voltages from 3.6V to 28.8V. Additionally, Accutronics will showcase a couple of power solutions for medical carts, namely an embeddable battery designed for &lsquo;fit-and-forget&rsquo; integration and a hot-swappable battery that works with a power system to support devices up to 150W. A charger that accommodates both USB-C and USB-A devices on pole/mobile carts is also available. Having such a broad offering caters for all sizes of cart and the different electronic devices they power.</p> <p align="center"><img src="/files/1147/" width="500" height="318" align="center" /></p> <p>For companies looking to replace sealed lead acid (SLA) batteries, Accutronics will also feature advanced Lithium Iron Phosphate packs, which offer a service life of five to seven years &mdash; significantly longer than the typical two years associated with SLA batteries. These batteries are also three times lighter than SLA batteries of the same capacity, making them an ideal choice for medical devices where weight reduction is essential. Visitors can also see Accutronics&rsquo; Entellion batteries, including the CMX series &ndash; designed specifically for high power applications like ventilators &ndash; and credit card-sized batteries that are perfect for portable and wearable medical devices.</p> <p>&ldquo;The medical industry relies heavily on reliable and long-lasting batteries, as they are often used in devices where power failure is not an option,&rdquo; said Robert Brown, marketing executive at Accutronics. &ldquo;Our long history in the medical sector uniquely positions us to address these challenges, as our batteries and chargers are specifically engineered to ensure reliable power, reducing downtime and supporting the demanding requirements of medical applications. OEMs and design engineers at the show can discuss how our products can help to mitigate these industry challenges and improve outcomes for health providers and patients alike.</p> <p>To learn more about how Accutronics' innovative battery solutions can support the next generation of medical devices, <a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/medical-technology-ireland-2024">visit stand L15 at Medical Technology Ireland 2024</a>. The Accutronics team will be on hand to provide expert advice and discuss how its products can be tailored to meet the specific needs of medical applications. Interested parties who are not attending the show can <a href="https://accutronics.co.uk/contact/">contact one of the team</a> or find more information on the <a href="https://accutronics.co.uk/">Accutronics website</a>.</p>Thu, 29 Aug 2024 07:30:00 -0500http://www.swe.com/news/medical-technology-ireland-2024/Ultralife brings battery breakthroughs to ACE Water Conference 2024http://www.swe.com/news/ultralife-brings-battery-breakthroughs-to-ace-water-conference-2024/<p>Global battery manufacturer, Ultralife Corporation, will be exhibiting at the upcoming ACE Water Conference, taking place on June 11-13, 2024, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California, USA. Visitors can find Ultralife at Booth 1149, where the company will showcase its latest advancements in battery technology for water-related applications, including water meters and leak sensors.</p> <p>If you would like to book a 1:1 appointment with us, please <a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/ace-2024-anaheim" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click here</a>.</p> <p>ACE Water Conference is renowned for presenting cutting-edge products and services that address the myriad of challenges facing the water industry today. As a leading provider of battery solutions, Ultralife is positioned at the forefront of this innovation wave, offering products that enhance the functionality and service life of water management systems.</p> <p>Recent advancements by Ultralife include the expansion of its Lithium Thionyl Chloride cell range, prominently featuring the D cell with an industry-leading capacity of 19Ah, ideally suited for water and gas meters. The high amount of energy stored in this battery helps it to power smart meters over their entire lifespan &mdash; typically about ten years &mdash; without the need for replacement, reducing operational costs significantly.</p> <p align="center"><img src="/files/1133/" width="500" height="318" align="center" /></p> <p>This cell is also ATEX certified for safe use around gas and has been verified by a leading metering OEM. With the capability to add ultracapacitors as part of a battery system, this cell can support high-rate applications, which is particularly advantageous in the latest 5G-compatible smart meters that demand a periodic, high-power consumption.</p> <p>When it comes to water leak detection, battery-powered sensors are used to detect moisture and, if found, sound an alarm, or send an alert to a smartphone. These sensors are continually monitoring for moisture, so need a stable and reliable power source to operate effectively. This is where Ultralife&rsquo;s XR123A cell is ideal. Using its hybrid chemistry design, Ultralife&rsquo;s XR123A can offer both high power and consistent voltage throughout the service life of the battery. Additionally, it provides an industry leading capacity (for a CR123A-size cell) of 2.0Ah.</p> <p>&ldquo;In the water sector, there is a pressing demand for longer lasting and reliable technologies,&rdquo; said Eric Lind, Senior Vice President of Sales and Business Development at Ultralife Corporation. &ldquo;Ultralife is at the forefront of meeting these needs. Our decision to exhibit at the ACE Water Conference stems from our commitment to engage directly with industry professionals and stakeholders, showcasing our latest battery technologies that reflect our dedication to innovation in water management.&rdquo;</p> <p>Anybody who is interested in booking an appointment to meet Ultralife on Booth 1149 can do so by <a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/ace-2024-anaheim" target="_blank" rel="noopener">completing this form</a>.</p>Thu, 23 May 2024 09:53:00 -0500http://www.swe.com/news/ultralife-brings-battery-breakthroughs-to-ace-water-conference-2024/New nestable cart with Ultralife power launches at HIMSShttp://www.swe.com/news/new-nestable-cart-with-ultralife-power-launches-at-himss/<p>Battery manufacturer Ultralife Corporation has joined forces with "Workstation-on Wheels (WOW)" cart manufacturer Karta in launching a new medical cart and power solution at HIMSS24, running from March 12-14, 2024 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.</p> <p>If you would like to book a 1:1 appointment with us, please <a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/himss-2024-orlando" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click here</a>.</p> <p>Developed specifically to use Ultralife&rsquo;s X5 Power System, the Karta system allows multiples of the new carts to be compactly nested together with their power systems attached, reducing the amount of storage space by 35%. Using the X5&rsquo;s 120VAC, 60Hz output, these innovative carts can power laptops, all in one systems, and mini PCs used in hospital and other medical settings. The carts can operate in various modes, either plugged into the location&rsquo;s AC main system or when AC mains are not available or convenient, powered by two external hot-swappable batteries (276Wh each).&nbsp; The hot-swappable power system allows batteries to be removed and replaced, while maintaining temporary power to the IT systems on the cart.</p> <p align="center"><img src="/files/1125/" width="500" height="325" align="center" /></p> <p>Both the cart and power system are built from high quality aluminum, with Karta also having steel components, to ensure durability and ease-of-sterilization. The batteries can be removed from the power system with a single hand and can be connected in either orientation to ensure fast and smooth operation. The cart itself is equipped with adjustable height settings and high-quality castors for seamless mobility, alongside a range of customisable accessories to fit various clinical workflows.</p> <p>"For the past three years, the X5 Power System has proven to be extremely popular at HIMSS show" said Eric Lind, Senior Vice President of Sales at Ultralife. "It seems only natural that we launch the complete cart and power solution with our partner Karta at this year&rsquo;s event. We can also discuss with visitors to our booth the X5-LITE Power Solution, specifically designed for pole/mobile carts where the computer or tablet system only requires USB-C or USB-A power."</p> <p>Attendees can also learn more about Ultralife's other medical power solutions, which includes pre-engineered batteries for ventilators, x-ray and imaging equipment, non-rechargeable cells for remote patient monitoring or asset tracking, as well custom battery design and manufacturing services for specialised needs.</p> <p>The HIMSS 2024 exhibition will run from March 12-14 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Visitors to the event can book a one-to-one appointment with an Ultralife representative <a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/himss-2024-orlando" target="_blank" rel="noopener">using this form</a>.</p>Mon, 04 Mar 2024 09:39:00 -0600http://www.swe.com/news/new-nestable-cart-with-ultralife-power-launches-at-himss/Making waves with cutting-edge power solutionshttp://www.swe.com/news/making-waves-with-cutting-edge-power-solutions/<p>Global leader in portable power solutions for the subsea and oil and gas industries, Ultralife Corporation, will bring its range of cutting-edge battery technologies to Subsea Expo, which takes place on 20-22 February 2024 at P&amp;J Live in Aberdeen. The company will be on stand 94, highlighting the importance of choosing the right batteries for use underwater and in pipelines.</p> <p>Subsea Expo 2024 provides an ideal platform for Ultralife to showcase the latest innovations from its nine locations across three continents, including manufacturing facilities in the oil state of Texas, USA and near the North Sea (UK). Representatives from both the Texas and UK facilities will be on stand 94 at the event.</p> <p>If you would like to book a 1:1 appointment with us, please <a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/subsea-expo-2024" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click here</a>.</p> <p>Chief amongst these innovations is the expanded product line of pre-engineered SeaSafe&reg; subsea batteries from Southwest Electronic Energy (an Ultralife company). This includes the SeaSafe&reg; Endurance (1ATM) smart battery module; a self-sufficient, easy-to-use battery system that is designed specifically to fit inside a pressure vessel. Its half cylinder shape fills half of a six-inch internal diameter vessel, leaving room for electronics to be placed in the other half of the tube. Alternatively, two batteries can be used back-to-back for applications that require increased power.</p> <p>For deeper or more challenging applications, there are also two new SeaSafe&reg; batteries that can be used direct-in-water. 40-amp and 20-amp (low profile) versions are now offered alongside the standard 10-amp SeaSafe&reg; Direct battery, giving manufacturers and end-users more options to meet the varied power requirements of both ROVs and AUVs/UVs. The 40-amp SeaSafe&reg; II will also continue to be available for those who require a larger battery system configuration that can be placed in an oil filled case.</p> <p align="center"><img src="/files/1110/" width="500" height="325" align="center" /></p> <p>In addition to subsea batteries, Ultralife will showcase its non-rechargeable Lithium Thionyl Chloride (LiSOCl2) battery packs for measurement while drilling (MWD), logging while drilling (LWD), directional drilling equipment, and pipeline inspection devices (PIGs). These batteries have the high level of energy density (size to power ratio) and heat resistance that is vital for these applications. Also on display will be a range of accessories that complement these oil and gas batteries. This includes smart gauges like the DrillDataII that provides reliable data on battery life and presents a trustworthy record of downhole conditions, which can be used to verify the tool&rsquo;s own findings.</p> <p>As well as learning more about these off-the-shelf solutions, visitors to the expo will be able to discuss bespoke subsea and oil and gas battery packs, designed to meet specific size, power, and weight requirements.</p> <p align="center"><img src="/files/1111/" width="500" height="325" align="center" /></p> <p><strong>&ldquo;Subsea Expo is a key platform for industry professionals to come together and explore the latest advancements in subsea and oil and gas technology,&rdquo;</strong> said Robert Brown, Marketing Executive at Ultralife. <strong>&ldquo;We&rsquo;re dedicated to delivering reliable and high performance solutions that meet the power and temperature requirements of underwater and pipeline batteries &mdash; this is evidenced by the popularity of the SeaSafe&reg; product line and our drilling and PIG batteries.&rdquo;</strong></p> <p>Interested OEMs and engineers can get guidance on their subsea and oil and gas projects by meeting with Ultralife at Subsea Expo on 20-22 February 2024, and can register for a free ticket&nbsp;<a href="https://subseaexpo-2024.reg.buzz/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p>Wed, 24 Jan 2024 05:23:00 -0600http://www.swe.com/news/making-waves-with-cutting-edge-power-solutions/Solve military power and communication challenges at DSEIhttp://www.swe.com/news/solve-military-power-and-communication-challenges-at-dsei/<p>Military battery and communications systems manufacturer, Ultralife, has announced its participation in the Defence &amp; Security Equipment International (DSEI) exhibition, scheduled to take place from 12 to 15 September, 2023 at the ExCeL centre in London, UK. The global company will be showcasing a range of cutting-edge products designed specifically to address power and communication challenges on the battlefield.</p> <p>If you would like to book a 1:1 appointment with us, please <a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/dsei-2023" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click here</a>.</p> <p>Over the past 20 years, Ultralife has been continuously developing innovative portable power solutions for the military (often in conjunction with the government) to reduce weight on the soldier without compromising on performance. One such scheme was the Land Warrior program, which addressed the problem of soldiers having to pack and carry separate batteries for each electronic device. For any one mission, soldiers would typically carry around 15 to 20lbs (6.80kg to 9.07kg) of batteries. Therefore, Ultralife designed the conformal, wearable battery (UBBL35) that can power multiple devices simultaneously and weighs just 2.1lbs (0.96kg).</p> <p align="center"><img src="/files/1086/" width="500" height="325" align="center" /></p> <p>The 108Wh conformal battery will be on display at Ultralife&rsquo;s stand H8-100 in the USA Zone, alongside the URB0023 battery that was designed for soldiers who need over 90x greater energy than can be provided by a packable battery. The URB0023 can be stacked up to ten units high to produce 10kwhr of energy but is still one-man moveable at 35lb. Not only is the battery ruggedised for field use, it also has rubber edges for ease of transport in a military vehicle.</p> <p>When it comes to communication challenges, over the last century, loss of radio signal has been a major threat to the success of military operations across the globe and occurs when a soldier enters an area with no coverage (known as dead spots). When this happens, soldiers often try to increase the coverage range of the radio, so that it can communicate with devices outside of the dead spot.</p> <p>The problem is that standard 5-watt handheld military radios have a limited operating range of around eight to ten kilometres, depending on the ground and frequency they are operating on. Therefore, amplifiers (such as Ultralife&rsquo;s A-320V3A, which can be seen at DSEI) can be attached to the radio to boost this distance by up to three times by increasing the wattage to 20.</p> <p align="center"><img src="/files/1087/" width="500" height="325" align="center" /></p> <p>If this still fails to get the radio out of the dead spot, an alternative option is to change the antenna that is being used. This can be done by connecting an LNA adapter (such as Ultralife&rsquo;s A-320DPA, which will also be on display at DSEI) to the amplifier. These adapters allow soldiers to switch between a 30-108Mhz antenna and a 90-512Mhz antenna without having to remove one of them, as this is time consuming and risks losing one.</p> <p><strong>&ldquo;These are only a few examples of power and communication challenges that Ultralife is helping the military to solve,&rdquo;</strong> said Robert Brown, Marketing Executive at Ultralife. <strong>&ldquo;In addition to these pre-engineered products, we also manufacture custom solutions because the next-generation of military devices may have unique requirements that are not met by products currently on the market. Therefore, we invite anyone who is experiencing a problem to come and speak with us at the show in London. Even if you are not having any issues, you can still take the opportunity to see our plethora of products in person, including non-rechargeable and rechargeable batteries, power supplies, chargers, amplifiers, radio mounts and more.&rdquo;</strong></p> <p>To find out more, visit stand Booth H8-100 (USA Zone) or pre-book a 1:1 appointment by <a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/dsei-2023" target="_blank" rel="noopener">filling out the inquiry form</a>.</p>Wed, 30 Aug 2023 05:38:00 -0500http://www.swe.com/news/solve-military-power-and-communication-challenges-at-dsei/Medical cart power is coming to The Windy Cityhttp://www.swe.com/news/medical-cart-power-is-coming-to-the-windy-city/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <p>After being blown away by the response to its power solutions for medical carts at HIMSS 2022, <strong>Ultralife Corporation</strong> will be showcasing both the X5 Power System and X5-LITE Power Solution at the HIMSS 2023 conference in &lsquo;The Windy City&rsquo; of Chicago, IL. The event will take place from April 18 to April 20, 2023 at McCormick Place (South Building).</p> <p>If you would like to book a 1:1 appointment with us, please <a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/himss-2023" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click here</a>.</p> <p>Healthcare workers are reliant upon an ever-increasing number of electronic devices. Many of these devices are transported on a medical cart and powered by a common power source. Therefore, medical cart manufacturers need to incorporate advanced power management solutions into their carts that can meet the power requirements of all these different devices.</p> <p>Ultralife's booth, number 126, will highlight the latest advancements in cart power solutions. Attendees can learn about the X5 Power System, which can power a wide range of devices such as computers, monitors, USB hubs, scanners, and printers up to 150W (with its output of 120VAC 60Hz).</p> <p align="center"><a href="/x5-cart-power-system/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/files/1075/" width="600" height="325" align="center" /></a></p> <p>The X5-LITE will also be present, designed for pole and mobile carts that require only USB-C or USB-A power to support laptops, tablets/iPads or instruments.</p> <p align="center"><a href="/x5-lite-usb-c-usb-a-battery-cradle/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/files/1076/" width="600" height="325" align="center" /></a></p> <p class="graybox"><strong>"Selecting the perfect medical cart power solution can come down to identifying the exact needs of the devices it is powering,"</strong> said Eric Lind, Vice-President at Ultralife. <strong>"However, as with any power solution that is being used for medical applications, the need for safety, reliability and performance is of paramount importance."</strong></p> <p>Ultralife factors these qualities not only into its cart power solutions but into all its cells and battery packs. This includes pre-engineered rechargeable packs, that are used in equipment such as ventilators, as well as non-rechargeable cells for remote patient monitoring, asset tracking and other medical applications. Where an off-the-shelf battery is not available, Ultralife offers custom battery packs, and charger design and manufacturing.</p> <p>If you are interested in learning more about the X5 medical cart power system or X5-LITE then <a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/himss-2023" target="_blank" rel="noopener">visit Ultralife at HIMSS</a> at booth 126 from April 18 to 20, 2023. Medical cart manufacturers unable to attend the show can also contact the company by <a href="https://ultralife-corporation.canddi.download/dbb713cd0eefd5bc8451c78d91af2caa" target="_blank" rel="noopener">filling out the enquiry form</a> on the Ultralife website.</p>Mon, 03 Apr 2023 07:24:00 -0500http://www.swe.com/news/medical-cart-power-is-coming-to-the-windy-city/Powering up for HIMSS, Orlando 2022http://www.swe.com/news/powering-up-for-himss-orlando-2022/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <h3>~ Success at West Coast HIMSS brings Ultralife to central USA event ~</h3> <p>After a successful launch at HIMSS Las Vegas 2021, medical battery manufacturer <strong><a href="https://ultralifecorporation.com/ecommerce/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ultralife Corporation</a></strong> is showcasing its new <strong><a href="/x5-cart-power-system/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X5 Power System</a></strong> for <strong><a href="/powered-carts/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">powered carts</a></strong> on booth 1217 at the spring HIMSS event, held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida from March 15 to 17, 2022. In addition, Ultralife will be launching a <strong><a href="/x5-lite-usb-c-usb-a-battery-cradle/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">new cart power solution</a></strong> for pole carts and mobile carts at the event.</p> <p>The X5 Power System is designed for cart users with power hungry electronic devices or who need 120VAC. It can power them using AC mains or, when AC mains is not available or convenient, using Ultralife&rsquo;s <strong><a href="/urb-x5-smart-battery-hot-swappable/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X5 Hot-Swappable Battery</a></strong>, the <strong><a href="/u1-smart-battery-embeddable/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">embeddable smart U1 battery</a></strong> or a hybrid combination of both. Ultralife recently enhanced its 12V U1 smart battery offering an almost 20 per cent increase in energy from 492Wh to 584Wh (and plans to launch a 24V version later this year).&nbsp;The X5 Hot-Swappable Battery offers 276Wh and can be charged onboard the power system or removed, from the specially designed <strong>X5 Battery Cradle</strong>, for charging.</p> <p align="center"><a href="/x5-cart-power-system/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img title="X5 Cart Power System" src="/files/1045/" alt="X5 Cart Power System" /></a></p> <p>To keep the power system functioning during hot-swappable battery change-over, the optional <strong>internal &lsquo;hold-up&rsquo; battery</strong> (URB0025) can power the system for at least five minutes, even when the system is under full load.</p> <p>Because of the number of batteries that can be used with the power system, a state-of-charge indicator has been designed to show the status of each connected battery in one convenient place. Called <strong>"The Track"</strong>, due to two state-of-charge indicator bars that meet to form a racetrack type shape, the pendant displays remaining battery life in runtime (hours/minutes) and percentages.</p> <h3>Need only USB-C or USB-A power?</h3> <p>During and after HIMSS 2021, Ultralife spoke to manufacturers and cart users extensively about their power and energy needs. One of the key insights from those discussions was that pole cart and mobile cart users may only have devices that require USB-C or USB-A connectivity for power (and not 120VAC power), such as tablets/iPads or instruments.</p> <p align="center"><a href="/x5-lite-usb-c-usb-a-battery-cradle/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img title="X5-LITE: USB-C &amp; USB-A Battery Cradle" src="/files/1046/" alt="X5-LITE: USB-C &amp; USB-A Battery Cradle" /></a></p> <p>Building on that knowledge, Ultralife has created the <strong><a href="/x5-lite-usb-c-usb-a-battery-cradle/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X5-LITE</a></strong>. The specially designed X5-LITE cradle is mounted where the X5 Power System would normally be placed. This cradle design along with the standard X5 Hot-Swappable Battery can provide DC power to laptop computers, tablets/iPads, and other devices that are normally connected to a USB-C or USB-A port.</p> <p><strong>"Last year&rsquo;s HIMSS exhibition provided invaluable insight into current frustrations that cart users and manufacturers have about their batteries, which allowed our engineers to further develop the X5 power solutions,"</strong> explained Eric Lind, Vice President of Commercial Operations and Business Development at Ultralife.</p> <p><strong>"We would encourage any cart manufacturers and users who feel that their current cart power requirements are not being met to visit us at HIMSS in Orlando."</strong></p> <p>In addition to cart power solutions, Ultralife&rsquo;s team can also offer pre-engineered batteries for use in ventilators, x-ray and imaging equipment and much more, as well as non-rechargeable cells for remote patient monitoring, asset tracking and more. Where an off-the-shelf battery is not available, Ultralife and SWE offer custom battery pack and charger design and manufacturing.</p> <p>To pre-book an appointment with one of our battery experts at HIMSS (Orlando), please <a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/himss-22-orlando" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click here</a>.</p>Mon, 14 Mar 2022 09:03:00 -0500http://www.swe.com/news/powering-up-for-himss-orlando-2022/Subsea Endurance Technical Paper/Presentationhttp://www.swe.com/news/subsea-endurance-technical-paper-and-presentation/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <h2><strong><span style="color: #2695b6;">Technical paper and presentation created for Oceans 2021 virtual conference</span></strong></h2> <p>According to the Secretary of the Navy in the Report on Autonomous Vehicle Requirements (AUV) for 2025, &ldquo;Endurance (how far and how fast can the AUV go, and how many sensors need to be supported)&rdquo; is one of the four core AUV capability characteristics for the future. &nbsp;Most oceanographers or subsea operators would agree: going deeper, staying down longer, and/or using more simultaneous and more powerful instruments/sensors are always on their wish list. &nbsp;This relates directly to endurance.</p> <p>Endurance subsea most often relates to the amount of and utilization of the power source for the propulsion, instruments, and/or sensors. &nbsp;While many power sources are available, the mainstream source for subsea untethered vehicles, sensors, and instruments are batteries. &nbsp;While various battery types exist, the dominant use for subsea applications is lithium primary and lithium ion secondary batteries.</p> <p>Batteries are electrochemical devices that perform differently at different temperatures and at different rates of discharge. &nbsp;Thus endurance is affected by both temperature and discharge rate, and even the combination of these within use case operations subsea. &nbsp;<strong>SWE's technical paper outlines test data results and explains the simultaneously measured endurance results and effects of various discharge rates and various temperatures on pressure tolerant lithium ion polymer battery modules.</strong> &nbsp;As such, endurance can be properly planned based on real world use case conditions. &nbsp;Subsea endurance for AUVS, sensors, or other instruments can be estimated and maximized where possible based on this test information and analysis.</p> <p>Read the full technical paper or download the presentation below...</p> <p><a href="/forms/subsea-endurance-technical-paper-and-presentation-form/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="" src="/files/892/" alt="" width="500" height="140" /></a></p>Wed, 03 Nov 2021 09:23:00 -0500http://www.swe.com/news/subsea-endurance-technical-paper-and-presentation/Lithium Thionyl Chloride Battery Selection Whitepaperhttp://www.swe.com/news/lithium-thionyl-chloride-battery-selection-whitepaper/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <h2><strong><span style="color: #2695b6;">Meet your application performance, physical size and economic goals</span></strong></h2> <p>Non-rechargeable Lithium Thionyl Chloride (also known as ER or Li/SOCl2) cell or battery packs provide reliable DC power that is long-lasting due to long shelf-life and high energy density.</p> <p>All Li/SOCl2 cells are unique so, to select the best one for your needs, consider:</p> <ul> <li>Cell or pack level battery</li> <li>Operating temperature range</li> <li>Voltage and capacity</li> <li>Electrical current rate needed</li> <li>Cell sizes and rates</li> <li>Space available</li> <li>Safety</li> <li>Shipping regulations</li> <li>Certifications and quality</li> <li>Cost and availability</li> </ul> <p>Learn more in our whitepaper...</p> <p><a href="/forms/lithium-thionyl-chloride-battery-selection-whitepaper-form/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="" src="/files/843/" alt="" width="500" height="140" /></a></p>Tue, 22 Jun 2021 02:45:00 -0500http://www.swe.com/news/lithium-thionyl-chloride-battery-selection-whitepaper/Lithium Battery Passivation and De-Passivation Whitepaperhttp://www.swe.com/news/lithium-battery-passivation-and-de-passivation-whitepaper/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <p>Most of our <a href="/mwd/lwd-packs/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Measurement While Drilling (MWD) and Logging While Drilling (LWD)</a> battery packs for the <a href="/oil-and-gas-mwd/lwd/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">oil and gas industry</a> are built using Lithium Thionyl Chloride cells.&nbsp; Cells utilizing this chemistry suffer from passivation and must be de-passivated before use.</p> <p>SWE has written a whitepaper explaining the Who, What, When, Where and Why of both Passivation and De-Passivation; an excerpt can be found below:</p> <h2><strong><span style="color: #2695b6;">Lithium Battery Passivation: Who?</span></strong></h2> <p>Passivation occurs in all lithium thionyl chloride battery cells. There is no escaping passivation&hellip; merely dealing with it<br />Will it affect you and your application? It probably will, but may not. It depends on some dynamic interactions between your tool&rsquo;s current load pulse profile demands and the most recent condition of your lithium thionyl chloride cell based battery. One application may be fine&hellip;. another may have an issue.</p> <p>Learn more about the What, When, Where and Why in our full whitepaper -&nbsp;<a href="/forms/passivation-and-de-passivation-whitepaper-form/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click here to download</a>.</p> <h2><strong><span style="color: #2695b6;">Lithium Battery De-Passivation: Who?</span></strong></h2> <p>The tool assembly technician or tool operator should assure that the lithium thionyl chloride battery has been properly de-passivated as a &ldquo;conditioning&rdquo; of the battery for proper tool operation. SWE recommends use of a properly sized, automatic de-passivation tool.</p> <p>Learn more about the What, When, Where and Why in our full whitepaper -&nbsp;<a href="/forms/passivation-and-de-passivation-whitepaper-form/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click here to download</a>.</p> <p><a href="/forms/passivation-and-de-passivation-whitepaper-form/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="" src="/files/843/" alt="" width="500" height="140" /></a></p>Tue, 24 Nov 2020 08:55:00 -0600http://www.swe.com/news/lithium-battery-passivation-and-de-passivation-whitepaper/The Association Photoshttp://www.swe.com/photos/set/1/<a href="/photos/set/1/"><img src="/media/photos/cache/ae32249e/Tendenci-Stock-Images-by-Ed-Schipul-2011-99-029bc_medium_640-ae2be_medium_640.jpg" alt="The Association Photos" title="The Association Photos" /></a><br />Mon, 31 Dec 2012 15:46:18 -0600http://www.swe.com/photos/set/1/Utility & Other Meteringhttp://www.swe.com/utility-and-other-metering/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <p><strong>Our parent company Ultralife Corporation specialize in manufacturing non-rechargeable batteries for utility meters and other metering applications. As an Ultralife company, we can provide manufacturer pricing and advanced technical and engineering support.</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>METERING:</strong></p> <p>The metering batteries we manufacture utilize <a href="/lithium-thionyl-chloride/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Lithium Thionyl Chloride (LiSOCl2)</a> chemistry; one of the most rugged, energy dense lithium chemistries available on the market today. Ultralife&rsquo;s Thionyl Chloride batteries have been verified by a leading metering OEM.</p> <p>Chief amongst them, the 19Ah D size bobbin cell offers industry leading capacity that helps it to power smart meters over their entire lifespan &mdash; typically about ten years &mdash; without the need for replacement, reducing operational costs significantly.</p> <p>With the capability to add ultracapacitors as part of a battery system, this D size cell can support high-rate applications, which is particularly advantageous in the latest 5G-compatible smart meters that demand a periodic, high-power consumption.</p> <div class="col-sm-4 text-center"> <h4><strong><a href="/lithium-thionyl-chloride/">LITHIUM CELLS</a></strong></h4> <p><a href="/lithium-thionyl-chloride/"><img title="LiSOCl2_thumb" src="/files/1141/" alt="LiSOCl2_thumb" /></a></p> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <h4 align="center"><strong><a href="/lithium-thionyl-chloride/">ULTRALIFE THIONYL CHLORIDE CELLS FOR METERING:</a></strong></h4> <p><a href="/lithium-thionyl-chloride/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/files/1142/" /></a></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>Tue, 02 Jul 2024 03:27:43 -0500http://www.swe.com/utility-and-other-metering/Power Solutions for Underwater Vehicles and Subsea Equipmenthttp://www.swe.com/power-solutions-for-underwater-vehicles-and-subsea-equipment/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <p>Welcome to SWE SeaSafe subsea battery information!</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img class="" src="/files/840/" alt="" width="761" height="1100" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>SWE SeaSafeII&reg; and SWE SeaSafe Direct&reg; Smart Subsea Battery Modules are designed to be autonomous (self-sufficient), easy to use battery system building blocks specifically developed for subsea vehicles, oceanographic systems, and deep-sea oil and gas infrastructure. Each module consists of pressure tolerant, high performance Li-Polymer cells, a SWE Battery Management System (BMS) with patented safety protection and current path boosters, a thermally potted enclosure, and connectors for power and communications. The modules have a proven record of delivering longer life and longer missions than lead acid batteries (Up to 4x more energy, 6x more available energy at colder temperatures typical of the seabed, and 8x longer cycle life) and pressure tolerance to 6000 meters ocean depth.</p> <p>The SWE SeaSafe&reg; modules are designed as building blocks to connect in series and/or parallel, as needed, to create the desired voltage, capacity, and maximum current requirements of the desired battery system. Series connections increase the battery system voltage in increments of the module voltage outputs; parallel connections increase the battery capacity in increments of the module designed capacity and maximum current output in blocks of the maximum current rating of the modules. While the SWE SeaSafeII&reg; modules require containment within a Pressure-Balanced Oil-Filled (PBOF) enclosure, the SWE SeaSafe Direct&reg; modules can be directly immersed in seawater. Both modules are pressure tested to an operational depth of up to 6000m.<br />When SWE SeaSafe&reg; battery modules are connected in a series string, many autonomous safety features are redundant, thus increasing reliability. For example, if one string of two series-connected modules is accidently shorted, both modules are monitoring the shorting current and there are two opportunities for the short to be autonomously interrupted. Also, there is no centralized battery management system required for battery system operation, eliminating a single point of failure in and increasing the overall reliability and safety of the battery system.</p> <p><br />SWE SeaSafe&reg; battery modules are capable of being both charged and discharged simultaneously, either stand-alone or in string configurations.<br />Communications with each battery module is available via RS-485 Modbus for useful status, state of health, configuration support, and other condition-based monitoring information. This communication is intended to keep you aware of helpful system information but is not required for the batteries to automatically and safely operate in a configured battery system.<br />All SWE SeaSafe&reg; battery modules are UNDOT tested and have also received certification from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Type Approval &ndash; Product Design Assessment (PDA); Certificate Number 17-HS1687100-PDA.<br /><br /></p> <p>Please click on the SeaSafe Direct or SeaSafe II battery logo below for videos and more detailed information:</p> <p style="padding-left: 60px;"><a href="/seasafe-subsea-modules/"><img class="" src="/files/837/" alt="" width="250" height="190" /></a>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="/seasafe-subsea-modules/"><img class="" src="/files/838/" alt="" width="258" height="171" /></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>Tue, 19 Dec 2023 03:02:18 -0600http://www.swe.com/power-solutions-for-underwater-vehicles-and-subsea-equipment/X5-LITE: USB-C & USB-A Battery Cradlehttp://www.swe.com/x5-lite-usb-c-usb-a-battery-cradle/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <p><strong><img style="float: right; margin-left: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;" title="X5-LITE USB-C &amp; USB-A Battery Cradle" src="/files/1041/" alt="X5-LITE USB-C &amp; USB-A Battery Cradle" width="340" height="228" />X5-LITE: USB-C &amp; USB-A Battery Cradle</strong></p> <p>Pole/mobile carts sometimes support laptops, tablets/iPads or instruments that only require USB-C or USB-A power and not 120VAC power. Therefore, Ultralife has created the X5-LITE, as an alternative to the <a href="/x5-cart-power-system/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X5 Power System</a>.</p> <p>In the place where the power system would be mounted to the cart (or in other locations if required), the specially-designed X5-LITE cradle is mounted instead. The electronic devices (e.g. laptops) are connected to the cradle using easy-to-access USB-C and USB-A ports. When the <a href="/urb-x5-smart-battery-hot-swappable/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X5 Hot-Swappable Battery</a> is inserted into the cradle, X5-LITE will use it to power connected devices.</p> <p>X5-LITE&rsquo;s X5 Hot-Swappable Battery can be charged using the X5 Smart Battery Charger. Unlock the battery from the cradle using the release latch (can be done using a single hand) and replace it with a fully charged battery. X5-LITE can also charge the X5 Hot-Swappable Battery via. the mains using a plug connected to the USB-C port.</p> <p><strong>BENEFITS &amp; FEATURES INCLUDE:</strong></p> <ul> <ul> <ul> <li>An alternative to the X5 Power System to power portable devices on pole or mobile carts</li> <li>Attach to pole cart or mobile cart</li> &nbsp;&nbsp;□ Sturdy, slender aluminum bracket permits various mounting locations <li>Easily power USB-C and/or USB-A compatible laptop PCs, tablets/iPads, instruments and monitors, using the X5 Hot-Swappable Battery</li> &nbsp;&nbsp;□ Cradle (compatible with X5 Hot-Swappable Battery) with USB-C and USB-A connectors <li>Quickly insert or remove the X5 Hot-Swappable Battery for recharge</li> &nbsp;&nbsp;□ Battery receptacle with 15 degrees of tilt flexibility &nbsp;&nbsp;</ul> <ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;□ Durable battery locking latch with single handed release <li>Optionally, charge the companion X5 Hot-Swappable Battery via. AC mains using the USB-C charge port</li> </ul> </ul> </ul> <p style="text-align: left;"><a href="/forms/contact-swe/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img title="Contact Us" src="/files/852/" alt="Contact Us" /></a></p>Mon, 14 Mar 2022 06:27:51 -0500http://www.swe.com/x5-lite-usb-c-usb-a-battery-cradle/X5 Hot-Swappable Batteryhttp://www.swe.com/urb-x5-smart-battery-hot-swappable/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <p><strong>HOT-SWAPPABLE BATTERY FOR POWERED CARTS &amp; MORE</strong></p> <p><img style="float: right; margin-left: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;" title="URB-X5 Medical Cart Battery" src="/files/1028/" alt="URB-X5 Medical Cart Battery" width="340" height="228" />The X5 Hot-Swappable Battery is a 12.8V 21.6Ah (276.5Wh) rechargeable Lithium Iron Phosphate smart battery that has been specifically designed for use in <a href="/powered-carts/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">powered carts</a> via. the <a href="/x5-cart-power-system/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X5 Power System</a> or <a href="/x5-lite-usb-c-usb-a-battery-cradle/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X5-LITE USB-C/USB-A Battery Cradle</a>.</p> <p>The use of Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) chemistry within the X5 Hot-Swappable Battery is considered to be one of the safest rechargeable Lithium chemistries and provides in excess of 2,000 cycles or 5 years of daily use.</p> <p><strong>FEATURES INCLUDE:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Robust and lightweight full aluminum case &amp; handle construction</li> <li>Rechargeable Lithium Iron Phosphate chemistry for optimal endurance and safety</li> <li>Intuitive bi-directional docking to simplify use</li> <li>Ultralife SMART CIRCUIT&trade; technology for accurate fuel gauging</li> <li>Blue LED gas gauge indicator for quick capacity checking</li> <li>Certification to the latest transportation and safety standards</li> </ul> <p style="text-align: left;"><a href="/forms/contact-swe/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img title="Contact Us" src="/files/852/" alt="Contact Us" /></a></p>Thu, 23 Dec 2021 06:01:59 -0600http://www.swe.com/urb-x5-smart-battery-hot-swappable/U1 Smart Battery (Embeddable)http://www.swe.com/u1-smart-battery-embeddable/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <p><strong><img style="float: right; margin-left: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;" title="Smart U1 Battery" src="/files/1027/" alt="Smart U1 Battery" width="340" height="228" />'FIT &amp; FORGET' BATTERY FOR POWERED CARTS &amp; MORE</strong></p> <p>The URB12450-U1-SMB Lithium Iron Phosphate smart battery offers incredible performance in a wide range of transportable and stationary equipment, including <a href="/powered-carts/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">powered carts</a>.</p> <p>The inclusion of Ultralife&rsquo;s SMART CIRCUIT&trade; battery management electronics provides the user with accurate runtime information in addition to a balancing and protection system that maximizes both safety and performance.</p> <p><strong>FEATURES INCLUDE:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Compatibility with medical cart inverters from Tripp Lite and Ametek Powervar</li> <li>Uniform voltage during discharge</li> <li>No need for trickle charging to retain charge</li> <li>Significantly lighter that SLA batteries with the same energy</li> <li>Does not become gaseous during use</li> <li>Stable voltage over a wide temperature range</li> <li>Can be properly charged using a 2 phase SLA charger</li> <li>IEC 62133-2:2017 compliant</li> <li>SMBus communication interface</li> </ul> <p style="text-align: left;"><a href="/forms/contact-swe/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img title="Contact Us" src="/files/852/" alt="Contact Us" /></a></p>Thu, 23 Dec 2021 05:59:21 -0600http://www.swe.com/u1-smart-battery-embeddable/X5 Cart Power Systemhttp://www.swe.com/x5-cart-power-system/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <p><strong><img style="float: right; margin-left: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;" title="Cart Power System" src="/files/1029/" alt="Cart Power System" width="340" height="228" />HOT-SWAP/HYBRID POWER SYSTEM FOR POWERED CARTS &amp; MORE</strong></p> <p>The X5 Power System for carts was developed to provide users with a reliable AC power supply, derived from one or two 276 Watt-hour <a href="/urb-x5-smart-battery-hot-swappable/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Lithium Iron Phosphate X5 Hot-Swappable Batteries</a>. The X5 Battery Cradle, powerful integrated hold-up battery (optional), LCD umbilical display and two-bay charger with wall or desk mount options (optional) round out this revolutionary power system.</p> <p><strong>FEATURES INCLUDE:</strong></p> <ul> <li>12.8V 21.6Ah (276Wh) smart battery with aluminum case construction, integrated handle, LED gas gauge and reversible connector interface</li> <li>150W true sine inverter with 100-240VAC 50/60Hz input and 120V 60Hz output</li> <li>Battery docking cradle with pivot mechanism and snap-lock for simple hot-swap</li> <li>Integrated hold-up battery provides five minutes of operation (under any load) while batteries are swapped (optional)</li> <li>In hybrid configuration, a <a href="/u1-smart-battery-embeddable/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">smart U1 battery</a> can act as an energy reservoir, sitting in the base of the cart, providing energy when the X5 Hot-Swappable Battery is exhausted</li> </ul> <p>An alternative cart power solution (<a href="/x5-lite-usb-c-usb-a-battery-cradle/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X5-LITE</a>) is available for pole/mobile cart users that only require USB-C/USB-A power and not 120VAC.</p> <p style="text-align: left;"><a href="/forms/contact-swe/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img title="Contact Us" src="/files/852/" alt="Contact Us" /></a></p>Thu, 23 Dec 2021 05:55:03 -0600http://www.swe.com/x5-cart-power-system/Lithium Iron Phosphate Packshttp://www.swe.com/lithium-iron-phosphate-packs/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <p><strong><img style="float: right; margin-left: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;" title="Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Packs" src="/files/1026/" alt="Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Packs" width="340" height="228" />Lithium Iron Phosphate</strong></p> <p>If your device requires a lower weight, higher energy, longer life, electronically protected or safety certified battery; Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) is an ideal rechargeable chemistry (outperforming Lead Acid on almost every measure).</p> <p><strong>Lithium Iron Phosphate advantages include:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Three times lighter than Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) - a LiFePO4 battery weighs 33lbs (15kg) compared to 100lbs (45kg) for a SLA battery of the same capacity</li> <li>Built-in protection ensures the battery operates correctly and safely for a long life</li> <li>Long cycle life (up to 2,000 cycles compared to 300 to 500 for SLA)</li> <li>Service life is up to 7 years in commercial and industrial applications</li> <li>Building Blocks - connect in series or parallel to customize voltage or capacity</li> <li>Charge with any 2 stage charger designed for use with lead acid batteries</li> <li>Hassle-free storage (batteries only need to be checked once every six months and remain charged)</li> <li>Can be mounted in any direction</li> <li>Require no physical maintenance</li> <li>Fully certified for transportation and for commercial/industrial applications</li> <li>Maximize capacity on every discharge cycle (thanks to active cell balancing controls)</li> </ul> <p>Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries are utilized in a range of applications, including <a href="/powered-carts/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">powered carts</a>.&nbsp; For cart applications, consider the <a href="/x5-cart-power-system/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X5 Power System (120VAC)</a> or <a href="/x5-lite-usb-c-usb-a-battery-cradle/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X5-LITE USB-C/USB-A Battery Cradle</a> (including the <a href="/urb-x5-smart-battery-hot-swappable/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X5 Hot-Swappable Battery</a>) or the <a href="/u1-smart-battery-embeddable/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">smart U1 battery</a>.</p> <p>Ultralife and SWE manufacture Lithium Iron Phosphate packs in 6.4V, 12.8V and 25.6V.&nbsp; Contact us to discuss your requirements.</p> <p style="text-align: left;"><a href="/forms/contact-swe/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img title="Contact Us" src="/files/852/" alt="Contact Us" /></a></p>Thu, 23 Dec 2021 05:42:13 -0600http://www.swe.com/lithium-iron-phosphate-packs/Powered Cartshttp://www.swe.com/powered-carts/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <p><strong>SWE and our parent company, Ultralife Corporation, specialize in manufacturing rechargeable battery packs and power solutions for powered carts.</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>POWERED CARTS:</strong></p> <p>Our hot-swappable and embeddable cart battery packs typically utilize <a href="/lithium-iron-phosphate-packs/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4)</a> battery cells available from our cell supplier partners.&nbsp; LiFePO4 battery packs are often used as a replacement for sealed lead acid (SLA), offering advantages such as&nbsp;lower weight, higher energy, longer life, electronic protection and safety certification.&nbsp; They can also be mounted in any direction and do not require any physical maintenance.</p> <p>Utilizing these batteries, to power the electronic devices that are transported on a cart, is made easy thanks to our cart power solutions.&nbsp; Choose between the <a href="/x5-cart-power-system/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X5 Power System</a> (for large carts that require 120VAC power) or the <a href="/x5-lite-usb-c-usb-a-battery-cradle/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X5-LITE</a> (for pole/mobile carts that require only USB-C and USB-A power).</p> <p>All of our cart battery packs and power solutions are manufactured at SWE and Ultralife's ISO 13485 (Quality Management for Medical Devices) certified facilities in the USA.</p> <div class="col-sm-4 text-center"> <h4><strong><a href="/lithium-iron-phosphate-packs/">LITHIUM IRON PHOSPHATE</a></strong></h4> <p><a href="/lithium-iron-phosphate-packs/"><img title="LiFePO4_thumb" src="/files/1025/" alt="LiFePO4_thumb" /></a></p> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <h4 align="center"><strong><a href="/x5-cart-power-system/">X5 POWER SYSTEM</a></strong></h4> <p><a href="/x5-cart-power-system/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/media/files/files/82e1f2b1/x5-power-system-for-powered-carts-page.jpg" /></a></p> </td> <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td> <h4 align="center"><strong><a href="/x5-lite-usb-c-usb-a-battery-cradle">X5-LITE: USB-C &amp; USB-A Battery Cradle</a></strong></h4> <p><a href="/x5-lite-usb-c-usb-a-battery-cradle" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/media/files/files/8a137981/x5-lite-for-powered-carts-page.jpg" /></a></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>Thu, 23 Dec 2021 05:30:19 -0600http://www.swe.com/powered-carts/Lithium Thionyl Chloridehttp://www.swe.com/lithium-thionyl-chloride/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <p><a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/er-generation-x-swe-website"><img title="Lithium Thionyl Chloride" src="/files/851/" alt="Lithium Thionyl Chloride" /></a></p> <p><strong>Ultralife Lithium Thionyl Chloride Non-rechargeable Cells</strong></p> <p>Ultralife&rsquo;s 'Generation X<sup><span style="font-size: 6px;">(1)</span></sup>' family of Lithium Thionyl Chloride products are one of the most rugged, energy dense lithium chemistries available on the market today.</p> <ul> <li>Up to 30% more capacity performance (average across temperatures versus competition)</li> <li>More than 400 Whr/Kg</li> <li>Off-the-shelf availability of low quantities<sup><span style="font-size: 6px;">(2)</span></sup></li> <li>Short lead times for volume quantities of production units<sup><span style="font-size: 6px;">(2)</span></sup></li> <li>100% battery use case fit confidence with responsive technical service and support</li> <li>Cell sizes and rates to meet many application needs</li> <li>Available in spiral and bobbin versions</li> <li>Competitive prices for the best value of quality cells</li> <li>ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certified manufacturing</li> <li>UN 38.3 transportation certified</li> </ul> <p><span style="font-size: 10px;">(1) -X products are a new range, -H legacy cells are still available (2) Location dependent</span></p> <p>'Generation X2' cells contain a built-in safety vent for additional protection in hazardous applications.</p> <p><a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/er-generation-x-swe-website"><img title="ER Generation X2" src="/files/1124/" alt="ER Generation X2" /></a></p> <p style="text-align: left;"><a href="https://info.ultralifecorporation.com/er-generation-x-swe-website"><img title="Lithium Thionyl Chloride" src="/files/852/" alt="Lithium Thionyl Chloride" /></a></p>Fri, 15 Jan 2021 02:04:16 -0600http://www.swe.com/lithium-thionyl-chloride/SeaSafehttp://www.swe.com/seasafe/<noscript><img alt="" src="https://secure.visionary-data-intuition.com/781587.png" style="display:none;" /></noscript> <div class="col-sm-4 text-left"> <p><strong>HIGHER PERFORMANCE:</strong></p> <ul> <li>4x Longer Run Time Endurance (vs. SLA)</li> <li>100% Condition Based Monitoring</li> <li>Connect Battery Modules in Series for more Voltage or Parallel for more Capacity/Power</li> </ul> <p><strong>LOWER RISK:</strong></p> <ul> <li>ABS Certified &amp; 2nd Generation Learned</li> <li>6,000M Pressure Tolerant Tested</li> <li>UN 38.3 Certified and Safety Tested</li> <li>ISO 9001 Quality Manufactured</li> </ul> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="col-sm-4 text-center"><img src="/files/1100/" /></div> <div class="col-sm-4 text-center"><img src="/files/1107/" /></div> <div class="col-sm-4 text-center"> <h4><strong>STANDARD (DIRECT IN WATER):</strong></h4> <p><img src="/files/1102/" /></p> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 text-center"> <h4><strong>40 AMP (DIRECT IN WATER):</strong></h4> <p><img src="/files/1105/" /></p> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 text-center"> <h4><strong>LOW PROFILE (DIRECT IN WATER):</strong></h4> <p><img src="/files/1104/" /></p> </div> <div class="col-sm-5 text-center"> <h4><strong>USE IN PBOF CASE:</strong></h4> <p><img src="/files/1103/" /></p> </div> <div class="col-sm-5 text-center"> <h4><strong>USE IN 1ATM PV:</strong></h4> <p><img src="/files/1106/" /></p> </div> <p style="text-align: left;"><a href="/forms/contact-swe/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img title="Contact Us" src="/files/852/" alt="Contact Us" /></a></p>Wed, 22 Jul 2020 13:19:47 -0500http://www.swe.com/seasafe/DISCOVER OUR NEW MEDICAL CART POWER SOLUTIONS/powered-carts/Choose from X5 Power System (to power devices requiring 120VAC) and X5-LITE (to power devices requiring USB-C/USB-A only)Thu, 24 Mar 2022 03:32:11 -0500/powered-carts/SWE SeaSafe® Thermal Runaway Testhttp://www.swe.com/videos/swe-seasafe-thermal-runaway-test/<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0f_rIrv56_0?rel=0" allowfullscreen></iframe><p>SWE SeaSafe&reg;, a subsea lithium-ion battery pack, tested for thermal runaway.&nbsp; We have intentionally bypassed the battery management system to induce thermal runaway.&nbsp; No Fire.&nbsp; No Explosion. No Propagation to adjacent modules.&nbsp; Passed IEC 62619:2017 test.</p>Fri, 17 Apr 2020 14:57:30 -0500http://www.swe.com/videos/swe-seasafe-thermal-runaway-test/SWE SeaSafe Direct - Subsea Battery Modules Demohttp://www.swe.com/videos/swe-seasafe-direct-subsea-battery-modules-demo/<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0Kk9hGALl9s?rel=0" allowfullscreen></iframe><p>Leon Adams, VP of Sales for Southwest Electronic Energy, demonstrates the 30V, 28Ah SWE SeaSafe Direct Li-ion Batteries for subsea applications, which offer 4x greater energy density &amp; 6x longer battery run time than lead acid alternatives.</p>Fri, 17 Apr 2020 14:55:33 -0500http://www.swe.com/videos/swe-seasafe-direct-subsea-battery-modules-demo/SWE DrillData II – MWD Battery Gauge Demohttp://www.swe.com/videos/swe-drilldata-ii-mwd-battery-gauge-demo/<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MnF-ZH2uyeM?rel=0" allowfullscreen></iframe><p>Leon Adams, VP of Sales for Southwest Electronic Energy, demonstrates the DrillData II MWD Battery gauge, which offers longer run time, longer storage time, 180&deg;C operating temperature, and more precision using Observer&reg; software.</p>Fri, 17 Apr 2020 14:53:23 -0500http://www.swe.com/videos/swe-drilldata-ii-mwd-battery-gauge-demo/SWE Subsea- Battery Solutionshttp://www.swe.com/videos/swe-subsea-battery-solutions/<iframe width="600" height="400" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FbSdU4mvth0?rel=0" allowfullscreen></iframe><p>Superior Power for Subsea Applications - SWE SeaSafe II and SeaSafe Direct Smart Battery Modules</p>Fri, 17 Apr 2020 14:50:03 -0500http://www.swe.com/videos/swe-subsea-battery-solutions/